ATTENTION! We are pleased to announce that we are open for business at our new location: 623 N. Main St. Suite#D8 Corona CA 92880
We hope to see you soon in the beautiful City of Corona. If you have any questions please call: 951-987-0018.
Also, we hope everyone and their family stays healthy and safe.
God Bless, Alex Delgadillo - Firearms Academy Owner.

BSIS Exposed Firearms Renewal

firearms renewal permits

Firearm Renewal permits expire every two years from the issuance date of the previous renewal. An individual must re-qualify four times throughout the life of the permit: two times during the 1st year from the date of issuance, and twice during the 2nd year. Re-qualifications must be at a minimum four months apart.

Firearms Academy can assist you in the renewal process. We will guide you in submitting your application to the Bureau before the expiration of your current permit. If you have already allowed your permit to expire, you will not be allowed to apply for a renewal and must re-apply for a standard permit. It is recommended to start the renewal process 60-90 days before the expiration date.