ATTENTION! We are pleased to announce that we are open for business at our new location: 623 N. Main St. Suite#D8 Corona CA 92880
We hope to see you soon in the beautiful City of Corona. If you have any questions please call: 951-987-0018.
Also, we hope everyone and their family stays healthy and safe.
God Bless, Alex Delgadillo - Firearms Academy Owner.

taser certification

Taser certification

Firearms Academy has put together a training program specifically designed for law enforcement officers and other individuals requiring a Taser Certification.  Topics covered include an overview of the Taser electronic control devices, use‐of‐force legal and policy issues, medical information and risk alleviation.

Attendees will receive high quality information as to how the Taser electronic control devices incapacitate individuals, how these devices fit into law enforcement strategies, and various policy recommendations. Additionally, liability exposure and reducing individual’s injuries will be covered..